Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Funny Class Given by Carrie

      On Tuesday, July 8, Carrie, one of our instructor told us that we would meet at the Yale Art Gallery. There, she would give us a distinctive class. All the teachers are thinking to inject into their classes the enthusiasm, energy and interest. Perhaps it will be a permanent topic idling in the mind of instructors. Carrie showed us a very good case! In class, the target of teaching is to enrich the students' knowledge, rather than teach them to pass the tests. From this perspective, we know that museum is better than the classroom for the students to learn.

       Students in Carrie's class. All of them told that they love Carrie and her class very much. It is the dream of all the instructors that their students can say that in this way.
        I have asked them,"Do you think the assignments given by Carrie are too heavy?". Their answers were out of my expectation: "No, we never think that it is a burden to us. To some extent, we like it." Oh, my God. How happy the teacher will be when hearing this kind of response from his/her students.
        Yes, your are right. I am very very envious! :)      


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